Fun Ideas For Valentine's Day
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Couples Valentine’s Day Ideas

  • Breakfast in Bed 
  • Love Letter- Everyone wants to hear that they are loved; express those feelings to them in a letter they can keep forever.
  • Write what you love about your partner on little notes, and put them around the house.
  • Romantic Movie Marathon 
  • Cook Dinner Together- The most important ingredient is love. Decorate with candles, flowers, music and enjoy the food you prepare together.
  • Go Dancing 
  • Outdoor Adventure (biking, hiking, etc.)
  • Create a playlist of your favorite songs.
  • Do you remember your first date? Recreate it for Valentine’s Day.
  • Bucket List- Create a list of fun things you want to do together throughout the year! 

Parents & Kids Valentine’s Day Ideas

  • Create Valentine decorations together. 
  • Heart Attack the neighbor’s door- Cut out paper hearts with your kids and put them all over your neighbor’s door.
  • Make heart shaped food- Whether it be waffles, pizza, cookies your kids will love it!
  • Movie night- Who doesn’t love movies like The Princess Bride,  A Charlie Brown Valentine, The Princess and The Frog, or any other family movie?
  • Play board games as a family.
  • Valentine’s Day Craft- You can get so many ideas on Google or Pinterest.
  • Clothes- Find heart decorated sweaters, or clothes colored in red, pink, or purple!
  • Leave a little Valentine’s Day gift on their pillow.
  • Throw a Valentine’s Day party for your kids and some of their friends.
  • Teach your kids about showing love through random acts of kindness, no matter how simple they may be.